My audience is intended to be thoughtful Christian people and existing members of the imagined community of Practical Theology. I hope to convince you – whichever category in which you fall (and they’re not mutually exclusive I hasten to add) – that Practical Theology has a crucial part to play in Christian discipleship and that this approach to doing theology needs to be realigned with critiques of the economic and cultural forces of Empire.
The book opens with an autobiographical account of how I encountered Practical Theology back in the early 1990s. From there I start to get into more detailed considerations of how Practical Theology is vital for what I’m calling critical discipleship.
It is published by SCM Press and was launched at the BIAPT (British & Irish Association for Practical Theology) conference in Edinburgh on 16 July 2014.
Available for order here.
‘In this refreshing autobiographical engagement of the discipline of Practical Theology…’ Emmanuel Larty, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
‘This is a remarkable book – keen, perceptive, and fiercely honest…’ Margaret Whipp, Ripon College Cuddeson.
‘Eric Stoddart has done the practical theology ‘imagined community’ a great service by recalling us to a radical commitment…’ Zoe Bennett, Cambridge Theological Federation.
‘…He breathes life into the dry bones of methodological discussion through a judicious and deeply engaging use of humour, personal narrative, deft unpacking of complex theories, and highly illuminating case studies…’ Neil Pembroke, University of Queensland, Australia.
You can read the full endorsements at the SCM site.
Chapter 1 Approaching Practical Theology
Chapter 2 Plunging into Practical Theology
Chapter 3 Case Study: Scottish Independence and Christian Perspectives Study Group
Chapter 4 Critical Discipleship
Chapter 5 Professing to be Professional
Chapter 6 A Passport to the Future
Chapter 7 Case Study: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology – The Neoliberal, Imperialist Elephant in the Room?
Chapter 8 Radicalizing Practical Theology
Coda: A Letter to 1996 from 2014 145